In 2012 artes arts Caldas da Rainha Caldas Late Night Hélio skate video

(my) Daily Routine

Yesterday night I went to Caldas da Rainha, to an artistic event called Caldas Late Night. It is organised by art students from ESAD and it happens once a year. The artists show their work (paintings, performances, music, etc) all over the city, inside people´s houses, on the streets, etc. So the visitors must follow a map and walk through the city to see their work.

In this work there was a movie projected on the skate about people skating and, at the same time, the boy was moving, as you can see the different positions of his arms.

Ontem à noite fui a Caldas da Rainha, ao evento Caldas Late Night. É um evento anual organizado pelos estudantes da ESAD. Os artistas mostram os seus trabalhos (pintura, performance, instalações, musica, etc) por toda a cidade, dentro das casas de algumas pessoas, nas ruas, na fábrica de Ceres, etc. Os visitantes devem seguir um mapa e visitar os vários pontos assinalados para ver todos os trabalhos.

Neste caso, um filme era projectado na prancha de skate, sobre skate, enquanto o "boneco" (talvez o Hélio) executava várias posições, mudando os seus braços.

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